R.T.D. Enterprises strives to offer the best products, services and quality in the industry. Our first goal is to ensure the safety of all employees, clients and locations. We are relentless with providing relevant, updated and current training to all employees. In order to maintain the highest safety and quality standards, R.T.D. Enterprises only performs work with our own employees and we do not subcontract crews. At R.T.D. Enterprises, a job safety analysis is conducted to define and control the hazards associated with all processes in our work environment. These uncompromising guidelines mitigate any risks involved within each step of our service process. R.T.D. Enterprises also has the capability to bond projects because of our ability and experience.
Pre-employment and Random Drug Screening / Drug & Alcohol Program
All Equipment Operators are CPR & H2S Certified
Job Site Safety Meetings before Starting Project
Experience & Ability to Perform Bonded Work
Monthly Company-wide Safety Meetings
Monthly Departmental Safety Meetings
ISNetworld® Certified #400-224505
ISN® Collect. Verify. Connect
PEC Safety Compliant
OSHA Compliant
MSHA Number: B7093
Corporate Office
196 Old Point Avenue
P.O. Box 247
Madison, Maine 04950
Phone: (207) 696-3964
Fax: (207) 696-0815
Texas Office
1316 E. 3rd Street
Big Spring, Texas 79720
Phone: (432) 270-7606